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Available Cats and Kittens

The "Q" litter

Click on the photo for the Q litters page

Young Adults:

All three girls, Nysa (back), Neala (left) Lenya (in tent)on 1-9-2011



                                              Lenya                                                             Nysa


Our kittens will go to suitable permanent homes, as pets and for show.  They are sold based on a written  contract guaranteeing they will  live in an enclosed and protected environment and NO DECLAWING will ever be allowed.   

Kittens will be at least 14 to 16 weeks old before they leave the Cattery.

All kittens are house-trained, have received their full series of "baby shots", and have been spayed/altered before leaving for their new homes. 

Please be prepared to tell us about yourselves, including information about your family members and current or past pets.  We also request a reference from homes interested in adopting one of our kittens.  If you are interested in having a kitten placed with you, please down load and save our Kitten Questionnaire to your hard drive, it can then be  filled out and returned  to us.  If you are not able to view an MS Word document, please let us know.  We will be happy to forward a document to you that  you are able to view.

All Inquiries are welcome!

Sharon Pickrell

Spanish Fork, UT USA
