Nattevind's Belicia Chariz:  NFO g23

"Dedicated to God, Charity"

female: born 8/9/2002 


Beesha's Girls have their own webpage!  For information and pictures of Beesh's new family go to "The Girl's Page"..


Beesh with her new puppy, Pepper


Beesh taking advanatage of all of Kami's "stuff"...



Beesh and her new family, Kandi, Scott, Hannah, Trisi and Kami


Five Months


Four Months


Thirteen Weeks.....

Eleven Weeks.....


Ten weeks old....


I'm nine weeks old.....

Eight Weeks!..



Seven Weeks already!

Six Weeks!

Five weeks plus one day....

Four Weeks and a day...

22 Days

15 Days

8 Days

 At Birth




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